Thursday, July 21, 2011

Five reasons to love Melbourne even more...

Part One: Good coffee. An early morning flight from Sydney had us all weary eyed and craving a non-airport caffeine hit. Determined to drink not only the best while we’re within proximity, I dragged my three companions through the CBD grid to 359 Little Bourke Street where hides inconspicuously amongst the plethora of traveling shops, wine bars and cafes that crowd the lanes. With its parent café “Seven Seeds” up in Carlton rated best coffee in Melbourne by The Age, “Brother Baba Budan” came in at a high scoring recommendation and I was more than happy to see how this worked out.

Distracted by the chairs hanging from the ceiling, the funky wooden décor and the crowded small space serving its committed regulars, I eventually ordered my coffee and managed to squeeze a spot on the wooden bench to patiently wait and observe. Or perhaps gawk would be the more appropriate word. I may or may not have stood out as a first timer.
I didn’t mind. I was in awe- such a tiny, warm, great smelling quirky little nook. If they weren’t so efficient and diligent with their coffees, I could’ve stayed there for hours. The line was never ending and despite such a flurry of activity behind the coffee machine and the busy background hum, it was surprisingly a relaxing experience. The fast, friendly service teamed up to provide us with a warm welcome to the city of Melbourne.

Anyway, the coffee…you can tell they’re in love with it. They are focused on providing quality coffee from Origin to Cup and are active in the Cup of Excellence program. What this all means is that they care. They care about the farmers, the beans, the machines, the customers. Everything. They cared so much they gave us a tray for our coffees even though we had all four present for the latte delivery.
Cheers guys, even my other half liked it. And he’s a novice to the bean!

Check it out at 359 Little Bourke St, Melbourne or go here to get inspired and lust after a flight to Melbourne just because....

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